Saturday, February 7, 2009

Obama's Growing Pains

They're already saying the honeymoon is over.

In this age of instant gratification - High-speed internet, digital cameras, 24-hour news channels, life-like inflatable dolls that can...well, you know – the snail's crawl of creating public policy is no longer palatable to your garden variety politophile. It's action now, results now, and the era of the 100-day presidential honeymoon has gone the way of rabbit ears and responsible journalism.

When George W. Bush first took national office, the internet was still in, if not its infancy, at least a still occasionally clumsy adolescence. Bush staggered semi-competently through the first months of his administration, until the events of September 11 galvanized the nation into unity of support behind him. Though in the end, he would betray it by shredding the constitution and decimate the national defense by embroiling it in a costly and unnecessary war...which all of America expected to end...instantly.

So it began...

It is less than a month since Barack Obama took the oath and already the disparagers are out in force.. Where's the change, where's the savior of the economy, where's the unity? Change now! Results now!

And President Obama has no one to blame but himself.

It is not a question of philosophy or policy. On that, at least in my humble opinion (IMHO for you texties), Obama is sound. Rather, the problem is not madness, but method.

His biggest misstep was in allowing Nancy Pelosi to hijack his economic stimulus and turn into the biggest platter of pork this side of Willie's Rib Shack. Pelosi's ignorance could be forgiven if it wasn't accompanied by arrogance. She is a sort of a Bizzaro World Newt Gingrich, and her continuous baiting of her across-the-aisle brethren (and sistren) has done more damage to the early days of Obama's presidency then he either doesn't know or won't admit.

For all of his incompetency – and believe me, there's a lot of it – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at least appears to get it. His coalition of moderate Democrats and Republicans in drafting a compromise stimulus bill is proof that even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut. In this particular instance, it would behoove President Obama to follow his lead.

Rubbing the GOP's face into their disastrous showing in the last election is not going to bring them over to the progressive side. Republicans are not so much dangerous as a cornered rat, they are more the defiant mouse flipping the bird to the eagle just before it devours him. The eagle will still feed, but the prey will be sour in his stomach.

Anybody got an instant relief for indigestion? Come on! Results now!

Happy honeymoon, Mr. President.

1 comment:

Pameladragon said...

What happens when that eagle stoops on a Dragon?